Monday, January 4, 2010

Good and bad in the scope of time

A good act in contrast to a normally misbehaved person is often looked upon more favorably than a bad act that ruins a well behaved person. It seems that society places more value on a bad egg going good than it does on a consistently good egg that just got rotten.

This is why Machiavelli stated that if any atrocities need be committed that they be committed in the initial moments of the takeover of the state. people will ignore past atrocities for what they see in the now, and likewise for past good deeds. Anything that you know won’t be looked upon favorably you may as well do now as doing it later will only overshadow any good things that you do now.

People also expect more of people who they can expect such of, they naturally hold people of higher morals to a higher moral standard. people get used to certain people acting a certain way, so that the same act for different people could possibly be seen as favorable or unfavorable depending on who did it. For instance,

When something cannot be

Part of the human condition is emotion and despite it’s many advantages it can have disadvantages. Sometimes people will use an expression to the likes of “no, that cannot be”, this expression is used when someone is in a state of shock; disbelief. In fact the real meaning of this is quite literal, people’s emotions are sometimes so powerful they cloud reality to the extent that they are able to block it out. When we say something cannot be it is because deep within us it truly is not, even though logic and reason tells us otherwise. The person here is entertaining two contrasting realities, one of his or her reason and one of his or her emotion, there is a struggle between the two sides that is usually resolved with a winner when the situation causing the conflict cools off. Disbelief; it is one of many examples of how all humans are capable of small bouts of insanity during their lives. It comes from our evolutionary need for protection, possibly a small case of Dissociative Disorder. It is funny how sometimes our survival can depend on perceiving reality falsely.